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Black hair natural styles | Fitgi // 3C/4A Natural Hair Style Icon | Black Girl with Long Hair | Blog Black Hairstyles

Black hair natural styles | Fitgi // 3C/4A <b>Natural Hair Style</b> Icon | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>Hair</b> | Blog Black Hairstyles

Fitgi // 3C/4A <b>Natural Hair Style</b> Icon | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>Hair</b>

Posted: 27 May 2014 06:00 AM PDT

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Introduce yourself!
My Name is Fitgi Saint-Louis and I am from Long Island, New York. I currently live in the city.

Why did you make the decision to go natural?
While in college I started looking for ways to give my relaxed hair volume. I starting using different products and drying techniques to create waves and curls. I used to relax my hair 2-3 times a year and wanted a new look. Relaxing my hair only to struggle making it curly was counterproductive so I started growing out my hair only trimming the ends when needed. It was a fun process and I had one of my best friends transitioning at the same time, which was helpful. I've had natural hair now for 5 years!

How would you describe your texture?
My hair is evenly one texture between 3C and 4A. I have fine strands, however my hair is dense. My wash and go is tight and curly, but as days pass the curls start to fall. One night of twists will completely change my look the following day. Wind and humidity make my hair huge – think Chaka Khan in the 80's huge.

Describe your styling regimen over the course of the month.
Over the course of a month I first have my hair in twists after a wash, then I let my wavy hair out. Once it loses shape I go to my updos. I used to use a lot of hair ties, which started breaking my hair in the front, so I switched to only bobby pins to create different styles. In the summer, updos keeps my neck free to air and in the winter they work as a hat. I've been challenging myself to create a new updo every day. For dance class for example, I have four twists I put into a bun.


What does wash day look like for you?
I detangle my hair with either Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Moisturizing Hair Lotion, Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque, or organic coconut oil with some water and a wide tooth comb. If it's not too late I then wash my hair right after. I use the Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo to wash then twist my hair into 8-16 sections using the Curl Enhancing Smoothie. I then let it air dry. Sometimes if my hair is not too tangled I will detangle in the shower. If I have a dance performance or want to change it up I'll blow dry my hair. I just purchased a CHI Hand Shot Ceramic Hair Dryer, which helps me finish in an hour. I really like it, except when the bothersome comb attachment falls off.

Describe your favorite go-to hairstyle for days when you don't have a lot of time to style.
My favorite easy style is a twisted updo. I pull all my ends above my head then turn the edges and pin to my scalp with 4-6 pins. The same technique can make a different style depending on the way I turn and where I place the ends. I love it!

How do you combat shrinkage?
I like to embrace shrinkage. I like the versatility of my hair being able to be above and below shoulder length. It seems like magic to some people and I enjoy their excitement.

What are some of your problem areas (if any) that require special care and attention?
My hair can go from soft, shiny and curly to dry and limp quickly. I have to constantly keep it moisturized with my go to products. I also keep my hair in twists at night to help with the dryness.

What are 2 do's for your texture?
Keep it moisturized and have fun with the versatility. There are so many possibilities.

What are 2 don'ts for your texture?
Try not to use too much heat and don't attempt to comb out curls without some product and water. Save yourself the pain.

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
Check out my Instagram @GiveThemHair. I also have a Tumblr blog with different updo styles that is currently under construction at

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Just another lover of natural hair and expression. - Style Icon Coordinator for BGLH

5 <b>Natural Hair</b> Artists and Illustrators We Love | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 May 2014 08:00 AM PDT

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Aside from the bloggers, vloggers, natural hairstylists and businesses who are working hard to enlarge and expand the natural hair community worldwide; there are also a group of creative women who are using their unique talents and abilities to encourage others. In a day and age where we are constantly bombarded with so much information that we don't have time to read it all, these group of women have come up with interesting ways to educate and entertain us. Through the work of these women, a newbie who is struggling to stay encouraged or a veteran who is feeling bored with her hair can be inspired and motivated to keep treading on. Below, I have complied a list of the top 5 Natural Hair Illustrators who are making great strides in the natural hair community.

1. Cheyan - Tall n Curly

Almost anyone who has been involved in the natural hair community for a while now have probably seen Cheyan's work all over the web. As a curly girl herself, Cheyan's humorous illustrations depicts the realities of a woman with natural hair. For a healthy dose of inspiration or laughter, you only need to make a quick visit to Tall n Curly and your love for natural hair will quickly be restored.

Where to find Cheyan on Social Media
IG: @tallncurly1
Twitter: @tallncurly1
Facebook: Tall N Curly

2. Keturah Ariel

Keturah's most popular work is probably the painting she did on the 4 stages of hair growth. Rather than taking pictures of the versatility of natural hair, Keturah simply paints them! Whether it's an illustration of shrinkage, natural hair styles and children's hairstyles, this naturalista truly has other naturalistas in mind. For parents who are looking for culturally appropriate images to share with their children, Keturah's vivid paintings will have your little ones begging to own one. To support Keturah's talent, please visit her web store.

Where to find Keturah on Social Media
Facebook: Keturah Ariel Nailah Bobo
Twitter: @KeturahAriel 
IG: @keturahariel 

3. Tawana - Adorkable Affiliations


Anyone who has big chopped will be able to relate to Tawana's famous illustration on the big chop experience. Tawana's humorous illustrations on natural hair will have many women with natural hair nod their head in agreement. If you've ever wanted a cartoon version of yourself, you can visit Tawana's website for more details.

Where to find Tawana on Social Media
Facebook: Adorkable Affiliation- Illustrations 
IG: @adorkableaffiliation

4. Sharee Miller - Coily and Cute


Don't know what the LOC method is? Confused about the order? No worries, because Sharee's colorful and cute illustration on the LOC method easily explains the process step by step. Aside from this popular picture, Sharee has also created many other cute and eye catching illustrations with coily haired characters. Like Keturah, Sharee also creates pieces on coily haired children as well. And did you know she has a children's book on sale? An excerpt on Amazon about the book reads, "Jackie is tired and ready to go to bed but she has one thing to take care of first, her hair! A sweet natural hair bedtime story for your little queen". To get a copy of Sharee's book or any other product, please visit her webpage.

Where to find Sharee on Social Media
Facebook: Coily and Cute
IG: @coilyandcute 

5.  Yagazie Emezi

yagazie art

As a long haired naturalista with big hair, Yagazie sure knows all about the struggles that comes with having long hair.  Yagazie's comical illustrations on natural hair have been shared numerous times on social media, because they speak to so many of us. She also has a web store where you can purchase a copy of one of her humorous greeting cards and other products of your liking.

Where to find Yagazie on Social Media

Faceboook: Yagazie Emezi
IG: @yagazieemezi 
YT: Yagazie Emezi

Are there other popular artists that I've missed on this list? Please leave their names/link below.

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Adeola @ The Mane Captain

Adeola @ The Mane Captain

A Toronto based natural hair blogger. Born & half raised in Nigeria, and now currently residing in Canada. To keep busy, I frequent my local library where I go to borrow non fiction books, particularly personal and spiritual development books. I also organize Toronto natural hair events, attend meetup groups and I'm working hard to be a polyglot.

Wedding <b>Styles</b> for <b>Natural Hair</b> - <b>Black</b> Naps

Posted: 23 May 2014 03:38 PM PDT

Wedding season is on the horizon and many of our natural brides may be wondering or worried about how they will style their hair for that BIG DAY.  Fortunately, our natural wives to be can maintain their natural locks and accomplish an elegant look that will be sure to turn heads on their wedding day.

Whether you are transitioning or are a seasoned natural bride, here a few show stopping hairstyles that will compliment any wedding dress!

1. This retro style is amazingly gorgeous and classy!

Bride Natural1

2. Twist outs work for any occasion, including weddings– and the veil brings the elegant look together.debbie_simister

3. This heart shaped pinup is perfect for that walk down the aisle.

Natural Braids

4. The puff, dressed with an elegant flower will definitely wow wedding guests.


5. This gorgeous up-do is complimented by alluring pieces that give this natural do a chic appeal.

tajuana (1)

6. This simple yet stylish bun was made from bulk extensions.


7.  This short and stylish look is just as glam as long hair styles.


As you can see, classy, elegant and sassy styles can be achieved with any length of hair.  Don't limit put limits on what can be done with natural tresses.  Use your imagination to create unique, glamours styles for your big day!


Coconut Oil for <b>Black Hair</b>: <b>Natural</b> Hair <b>Styling</b> & Care <b>...</b>

Posted: 22 May 2014 09:37 AM PDT

About the Video Author:

Cassidy Blackwell is the founder and editor of

How you choose to style your hair always requires you to keep the natural qualities of that hair in mind at all times for the best results. Learn how to take care of your natural hair with help from a hair professional in this free video.

Video times listed below in bold:

  • 0:00-0:14 – Video introduction.
  • 0:15-0:24"Coconut oil is one of the best oils for black hair." It is loaded with essential vitamins and fatty proteins that make it super nourishing for our hair.
  • 0:25-0:34 – Coconut oil is typically in a solid white consistency (depending on ambient temperature. It melts at 75 degrees F, so you can easily scoop some out and rub it in your palms, leaving an oil on your hands to work with.
  • 0:35-0:40 – You can also use it in larger quantities by putting it in a microwave (for a few seconds) before adding it to any conditioner (editor note: be careful with this one and don't add too much coconut oil, so that your conditioner possibly becomes difficult to get out of the bottle when at cooler temperatures).
  • 0:41-0:52"Coconut oil is great for sealing moisture into your hair." Regardless of your hair style, you can apply some to your palms and smooth it over the surface of your hair to help retain any moisture you would like.
  • 0:53-0:57 – With coconut oil on the palms of your hands, you can also apply it directly to your scalp for a tropical scented scalp massage (editor's note: if you are NOT using refined coconut oil, as it has virtually no scent, which some people prefer).
  • 0:58-1:15 – Video closes.

Article source: ehowbeauty on YouTube. Originally published at on December 17, 2012. And, also appeared there on May 22, 2014.

Please note that while this site offers information, it should not be taken as medical advice.

Please consult a trusted medical professional before using the information on this site.

Results should be expected to vary from individual to individual. Also, please understand that you may still need to do other things to support your health in addition to using the information on this site as the information on this site is not intended for diagnosis or treatment.


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Black hair natural styles | Fitgi // 3C/4A <b>Natural Hair Style</b> Icon | <b>Black</b> Girl with Long <b>Hair</b> | Blog Black Hairstyles