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Black Male Hairstyle - WHEN I WAS 69 (personal archives): Long hair

Black Male Hairstyle - WHEN I WAS 69 (personal archives): Long <b>hair</b>

WHEN I WAS 69 (personal archives): Long <b>hair</b>

Posted: 29 May 2014 07:52 AM PDT

For this week's Sepia Saturday, we have a "long haired maiden" to inspire us.

Come over to see what other folks have thought their archives might be somehow linked to this photo...HERE.  Check out the names at the bottom of that page, as well as some interesting comments...and please, add your own old pics that might (or might not) be on theme.  (Notice, next week there's an open theme.  I hope you'll join us!)
In the early 80s my son Marty had long hair, as did his younger brother, Russ (on swing).  Towheaded guy with head turned away is their cousin, with much shorter hair.

But wait, long haired children existed waaaay back.  Here's my father as a child.  He was born in 1914, but I have no idea how old he was here.  2-3 years maybe? 

And I may not have really long hair, but here's a pic of it being flung well as Marty's long locks in the foreground.  At that point my sister had longer hair than I did, and she was holding my baby, Tai, who was practically bald before he was one.

My long hair when I was around 38.  Tai had blond curls, and it didn't get much longer than depicted here when he was 3 or 4, at least while he lived with me!

Here's Tai's big brother, Russ, when he was in 3rd grade in the 70s.  

Sorry this is so faded, but this is Russ when he was around 4, also with long blond curly locks.
William,  (son of Marty) has enjoyed long hair off and on (more on than off) for many of our visits.  Of course I've had the fun of playing with colors in my hair, as this shows my 2011 red era.

My ex-husband had a time when he wore a headband to keep his long hair out of his eyes, can you say 70s?  I don't have a picture of that.
Cayenne, my oldest granddaughter, shows off her learners permit, so she is going to be driving all over the place soon.  Her hair is generally about this long.

My other 3 granddaughters' hairs are sometimes long, but never extreme.  Audrey wears her's tucked back for gymnastics.  Caroline has wonderful brown hair which is also pinned back in prep for her recorder concert.  Kate's was pinned up special for her part in a cousin's wedding. 

Cousins as flower girl and ring boy in wedding
  And their parents, Russ and Michelle, are pretty conservative in hairstyles these days. (Note, ring boy is their nephew.)  Do scroll back to see Russ' curly blond locks shown eating watermelon!

Barbara's hair is pretty long today, but has become so thin that I always wear it braided or pinned up in one way or another.   Unless I'm primping for my new mirror.


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Black Male Hairstyle - WHEN I WAS 69 (personal archives): Long <b>hair</b>